Expanding POSH: The Push to Protect India's Informal Workforce.

The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act of 2013 marked a significant milestone in India's journey towards safer workplaces. However, a glaring gap remains in its coverage: the informal sector. With an estimated 90% of India's workforce employed in informal settings, the need to extend POSH protections to this vast and vulnerable population has become a pressing concern.

The Current Landscape

The Informal Sector in India

India's informal sector encompasses a wide range of occupations, including:

Domestic workers

Street vendors

Agricultural laborers

Construction workers

Home-based workers

These workers often lack formal contracts, social security benefits, and legal protections, making them particularly vulnerable to exploitation and harassment.

Limitations of the Current POSH Act

The POSH Act, in its current form, is primarily designed for formal workplaces. It mandates the formation of Internal Complaints Committees (ICCs) in organizations with 10 or more employees. However, this structure is ill-suited to the realities of the informal sector, where:

1. Workplaces are often unstructured or mobile

2. Employer-employee relationships can be ambiguous

3. Workers may have multiple employers or work independently

The Case for Expansion

Vulnerabilities in the Informal Sector

Informal workers, especially women, face heightened risks of sexual harassment due to:

1. Power imbalances with employers or clients

2. Lack of job security

3. Limited awareness of rights

4. Absence of formal complaint mechanisms

5. Fear of retaliation or job loss

Potential Benefits of Expansion

Extending POSH to the informal sector could:

1. Provide legal recourse to millions of vulnerable workers

2. Raise awareness about sexual harassment in diverse work settings

3. Encourage the formalization of certain informal sectors

4. Align India with international labor standards

5. Contribute to broader goals of gender equality and worker dignity

Challenges in Implementation

Expanding POSH to the informal sector is not without its challenges:

1. Defining the Workplace: How to delineate workplaces in fluid, unstructured settings?

2. Identifying Employers: Who bears responsibility in cases of multiple or ambiguous employers?

3. Creating Complaint Mechanisms: How to establish accessible and effective reporting systems?

4. Ensuring Awareness: How to reach and educate a diverse, often dispersed workforce?

5. Enforcement: How to monitor compliance and enforce regulations in informal settings?

Proposed Solutions and Ongoing Discussions

Legal Frameworks

1. Broadening Definitions: Expanding the legal definition of 'workplace' and 'employee' to encompass informal settings.

2. Sector-Specific Regulations: Developing tailored guidelines for different informal sectors (e.g., domestic work, street vending).

Complaint Mechanisms

1. Local Committees: Strengthening and expanding the role of Local Complaints Committees (LCCs) to serve informal workers.

2. Mobile Reporting: Implementing user-friendly mobile apps for complaint filing and tracking.

3. Helplines: Establishing dedicated helplines for informal sector workers to report harassment and seek guidance.

Awareness and Education

1. Grassroots Campaigns: Collaborating with NGOs and community organizations for on-the-ground awareness programs.

2. Media Outreach: Utilizing radio, television, and social media for widespread dissemination of information.

3. Union Partnerships: Engaging with informal sector unions to integrate POSH awareness into their activities.

Enforcement Strategies

1. Community Vigilance: Empowering local communities to monitor and report violations.

2. Inter-agency Cooperation: Fostering collaboration between labor departments, police, and social welfare organizations.

3. Incentive Structures: Developing incentives for informal sector employers to comply with POSH guidelines.

Case Study: Domestic Workers in Mumbai

To illustrate the potential impact of POSH expansion, consider the ongoing pilot project in Mumbai targeting domestic workers:

1. Initiative: The Maharashtra State Commission for Women, in collaboration with local NGOs, launched a POSH awareness and implementation program for domestic workers in select Mumbai neighborhoods.

2. Approach: 

o Door-to-door awareness campaigns

o Formation of neighborhood watch committees

o Mobile app for anonymous reporting

o Partnerships with resident welfare associations

3. Challenges Faced: 

o Resistance from some employers

o Language barriers in communicating with migrant workers

o Difficulty in follow-up due to high worker mobility

4. Early Results: 

o Increased awareness among both workers and employers

o Rise in reported cases, indicating growing trust in the system

o Some informal employers proactively adopting POSH-like policies

5. Lessons Learned: 

o The critical role of community engagement

o Need for continuous, multi-lingual communication

o Importance of protecting workers from retaliation

The Road Ahead

Expanding POSH to cover India's informal sector is a complex but necessary endeavor. It requires a multi-pronged approach involving legal reforms, innovative implementation strategies, and a shift in societal attitudes.

As discussions continue, key considerations include:

1. Balancing comprehensive protection with practical implementation

2. Ensuring that expansion efforts don't inadvertently push informal work further into the shadows

3. Addressing intersectional vulnerabilities (e.g., caste, migration status) in policy design

4. Leveraging technology while ensuring accessibility for all

5. Fostering a culture of respect and dignity that transcends formal legal frameworks

By addressing these challenges and learning from pilot initiatives, India has the opportunity to pioneer a more inclusive approach to workplace safety, potentially setting a global standard for protecting vulnerable workers

What is Sexual Harassment and Remedies

Sexual Harassment: Understanding and Addressing the Issue

Sexual harassment is a serious and pervasive problem that affects individuals of all genders. It can create a hostile work environment, damage mental health, and limit career opportunities. Understanding what constitutes sexual harassment and knowing the available remedies is crucial for individuals to protect themselves and create a safer environment for everyone.

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment can take many forms, but it generally involves unwanted sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature that creates a hostile, intimidating, or offensive work environment. This can include:

Verbal harassment: Making sexual jokes, comments, or innuendos; using offensive or degrading language; or making unwelcome sexual advances.

Physical harassment: Touching, grabbing, or making unwanted physical contact; blocking someone's path; or invading personal space.

Visual harassment: Displaying sexually suggestive images or posters, or making offensive gestures.

Remedies for Sexual Harassment

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment, it's important to know that there are steps you can take to address the situation and seek justice. Here are some possible remedies:

Internal Complaint Procedure: Many workplaces have internal complaint procedures for reporting sexual harassment. This may involve filing a formal complaint with a designated person or department within the company.

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): If you believe you have been discriminated against based on your sex, you can file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate your claim and may take legal action against your employer.

Lawsuit: In some cases, individuals who have been sexually harassed may file a lawsuit against their employer. This can be a complex process, so it's important to consult with an attorney.

Mediation or Arbitration: In some cases, parties may agree to resolve a sexual harassment dispute through mediation or arbitration. This can be a more informal and less adversarial process than going to court.

Prevention and Support

Preventing sexual harassment requires a comprehensive approach that involves education, awareness, and a commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace. Here are some steps that can be taken:

Training and Education: Provide training to employees on what constitutes sexual harassment, the company's policies on harassment, and the consequences of violating those policies.

Clear Policies: Develop and implement clear policies that prohibit sexual harassment and outline the consequences for violating those policies.

Open Communication: Create an environment where employees feel comfortable reporting incidents of harassment without fear of retaliation.

Support Resources: Provide employees with access to support resources, such as counseling or legal assistance.

Steps that HR Department Must take To Prevent Sexual Harassment At Work.

A large portion of the workplace in India is plagued by the problem of sexual harassment. In order to prevent it, businesses should take precautions, and they should also be prepared to address it if it does. The HR department is in charge of making sure compliance. To make the workplace safe for employees, they can implement Posh rules and take the ten steps listed below.

HR should make sure that the business has several reporting options, including anonymous reporting, for sexual harassment. They must also ensure that the staff is aware of these options, whatever they may be.

A human resources professional must understand that harassment can affect anyone, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or other identifiers. Many LGBTQ employees are especially susceptible to harassment, whether it be sexual or otherwise. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone, even straight males in powerful positions inside the organisation. Every report should be taken seriously, and every investigation should start with the purpose of learning the truth rather than working backwards from a presumptive conclusion. If there is one thing that HR departments want, it is to be viewed as "the good policemen" rather than another barrier. 

The Posh policy must cover bystander training. This might be a good way to raise issues before they become outright harassment. It's a more recent idea, but college campuses have begun applying it to prevent sexual assault. Employees who have received bystander training are taught when and how to step in to stop harassment. It can counteract what is referred to as "the bystander effect," when individuals are less likely to intervene in a quarrel when others are present because they assume others will do so first. Now, it is up to HR to provide employees with the confidence and security they need to step in during a conflict.

Retaliation And Sexual Harassment at Workplace?

71% of women fail to report incidences of sexual harassment at work, according to a 2015 survey. Only 68.9% of Indian women who experience sexual harassment report their experiences to the Internal Committee (IC) or management, according to a 2017 survey by the Indian National Bar Association (INBA).

Retaliation is a tactic used to ridicule, humiliate, and spread rumours about the sexual harassment victim. When an employee reports sexual harassment in the workplace, the company may take action against them. Retaliation is any negative employment action that involves "exerting power." Demotion, wage reduction, job transfer, and termination are a few examples.

For fear of retaliation, many women choose not to report sexual harassment at work. The victim may be the target of reprisals from the accused or the organisation. In fact, studies has shown that businesses frequently devalue sexual harassment. As a result, the victim faces hostility and reprisals.

The organization's environment affects how it reacts to reporting. If the organisation backs the reporter, retaliation can be restrained. If a reporter receives more backing from the organisation, especially the management, they are less likely to face reprisals. An indication of this support is the work being done to substantiate the claims and address the complaint. The organization's intolerance of sexual harassment helps the support even more.

Tips to create trans-inclusive workplace.

More than 27000 transgender people participated in a poll in 2015, and the results showed that at least 77% of them actively avoided workplace discrimination. This includes keeping their gender identities a secret, declining to request the use of their preferred pronouns by their employers and coworkers, and postponing gender transition.

Transgender individuals might not be fully present at work. Because they are more likely than cisgender employees to have an uneven working environment, they could feel uneasy or alienated.

Companies should begin implementing nondiscriminatory rules and procedures that are gender-specific. This entails regardless of their gender identities, defending and advancing the rights of every employee Increasing employee awareness of and acceptance of their transgender coworkers.

To some extent, everyone needs to feel like they belong. It's common for us to evaluate our relationships subconsciously. We experience poor levels of self-esteem and unfavorable sentiment when our social value declines. A social affirmation or appraisal, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. We feel included and valued when we receive praise, gratitude, and approval.

Likewise, transgender employees are accepted and valued in the workplace because to inclusive policies including using proper names and pronouns, having access to toilets that are gender-neutral, and having gender-neutral dress rules.

By creating advantages that are trans-specific and trans-friendly, businesses need to behave as supporters. For instance, helping with mental health services is a fantastic approach to support your transgender staff.

This may also apply to company regulations governing personnel who identify as gender non-conforming. Transgender workers will experience more inclusion at work by doing away with gender-specific jargon and upholding antibias standards.

It's also crucial to increase public awareness about gender identification. Many people lack the fortitude and expertise to question preconceptions and societal standards. Encourage your staff members to step outside their comfort zones and have unpleasant talks with management, especially the leaders. Cisgender employees who speak out against gender-based discrimination and ineffective rules at work provide a positive message of inclusiveness to their transgender coworkers.

Posh in Higher Education Institutions in India

On July 25, 2022, an Odisha college student accused the school's physics instructor of rape and sexual harassment. The accused lecturer, who was the institution's reader, had also held the role of NCC officer in the Naval wing. Despite the female student coming to the institute with a formal complaint, the school's internal committee did not discover any proof of the claims she claimed. The probe didn't start until the Higher Education Department became aware of the situation.

A Presidency University student from Kolkata filed a formal complaint with the internal committee of the university accusing Mahitosh Mandal, the former head of the department, of sexual harassment on July 17, 2022.

It is believed that the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, is essential for protecting female employees from sexual harassment at the workplace. It is significant to highlight that educational institutions play a significant role in this while also including formal and informal workspaces and that the law is not confined to the corporate environment in the formal sphere.

A federal law that forbids sexual harassment of female employees and students in higher education institutions is the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redress of Sexual Harassment of Women Workers and Students in Higher Education Institutions) Regulation, 2015.

In an effort to make changes, the UGC (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redress of Sexual Harassment of Women Workers and Students in Higher Education Institutions) Regulation, 2015 requires all universities, colleges, and deemed universities to adhere to a set of rules to ensure that the campuses are free from sexual harassment.

In order to prevent gender bias, the term "students" assures that the legislation covers every person registered in a specific higher education institution, regardless of their gender.

An internal complaints committee must be established at every higher education institution in order to address sexual harassment claims. It must be dubbed the ICC and adhere to UGC-mandated rules if a body already exists with this goal.

Elevating Professional Standards: The Importance of Posh Law Training for Employees.

In today's workplace, fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment is paramount. The Prevention of Sexual Harassment (Posh) at Workplace Act, enacted in India in 2013, is a significant legislative step towards ensuring such an environment. It mandates organizations to take proactive measures in preventing, prohibiting, and redressing sexual harassment at the workplace. One of the most effective ways to comply with this legislation and cultivate a positive workplace culture is through comprehensive Posh law training for employees.

Why Posh Law Training is Essential

Legal Compliance

The Posh Act requires every organization with ten or more employees to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and conduct regular training sessions. Failure to comply can result in hefty penalties, damage to the organization's reputation, and a loss of trust among employees.

Awareness and Sensitivity

Training helps employees understand what constitutes sexual harassment, the importance of maintaining professional boundaries, and the implications of inappropriate behavior. Awareness is the first step towards prevention, and training sessions foster sensitivity towards the issue, promoting respect and dignity at the workplace.

Empowerment and Support

Through Posh training, employees learn about their rights and the procedures for reporting harassment. It empowers victims to speak up and assures them that the organization supports their safety and well-being. Knowing that there are established mechanisms for redressal can significantly boost employee morale and trust in the organization.

Creating a Safe Work Environment

A well-informed workforce is better equipped to create and maintain a safe work environment. Training sessions emphasize the collective responsibility of all employees to uphold a harassment-free workplace, encouraging bystanders to intervene and support victims.

Mitigating Risks

Beyond legal compliance, training helps organizations mitigate risks associated with sexual harassment cases. By educating employees and implementing robust prevention measures, organizations can avoid costly legal battles, negative publicity, and the potential loss of valuable talent.

Components of Effective Posh Law Training

Comprehensive Content

Effective training programs cover the definition and forms of sexual harassment, relevant laws and policies, the role and responsibilities of the ICC, and the process for filing and addressing complaints. Including real-life scenarios and case studies can make the training more relatable and impactful.

Interactive Sessions

Engaging employees through interactive sessions, such as workshops, role-playing, and group discussions, helps reinforce learning and encourages active participation. Interactive elements can make the training more engaging and memorable.

Regular Updates

Laws and best practices evolve, and so should training programs. Regularly updating the training content ensures that employees are informed about the latest legal requirements and organizational policies. Periodic refresher courses help maintain awareness and reinforce the importance of a harassment-free workplace.

Inclusive Approach

Training should be inclusive, considering the diverse backgrounds and experiences of employees. Providing training in multiple languages and accommodating different learning styles ensures that the message reaches everyone effectively.

Evaluation and Feedback

Assessing the effectiveness of training through quizzes, feedback forms, and post-training evaluations helps identify areas for improvement. Continuous feedback from employees can guide the refinement of training programs, making them more effective and relevant.

Expanding POSH: The Push to Protect India's Informal Workforce.

The Prevention of Sexual Harassment ( POSH ) Act of 2013 marked a significant milestone in India's journey towards safer workplaces. How...